Vermont Green Football Club and Wasted* PBC were destined to be partners.
Both organizations chose Burlington as their home – recognizing its potential to serve as a showcase city for a more Earth-conscious way of doing business. Long before pumping toilets in Vermont, soccer was core to the lives of many on the Wasted*Crew.
Taylor (CEO & Founder) was a star soccer player at the highschool and collegiate level. In 2023, Bill (CFO) played for the USA in a soccer tournament in Buenos Aires where he took home the golden boot! And Thor (Founder) – who often does impressively strange and impractical things for no apparent reason – juggled a soccer ball for one consecutive mile back in 2018!
When this band of soccer-loving, porta-pot providers learned of Vermont Green, it was love at first sight…
Vermont Green believes that soccer “can be a powerful catalyst for a more environmentally sustainable and socially just world.” VGFC’s mission aligns perfectly with the Wasted* ethos: that by operating “Potties with Purpose,” we can prove to the world – in the most unlikely place – that a more beautiful and ecologically harmonious future is possible.
Together, these two organizations are committed to elevating Burlington, VT to be the national example for sustainable soccer and sanitation! Wasted* provided the toilets for Vermont Green’s home games last season and will be doing so this season as well.
Please stop by and provide your “donation” during a match.